Category Archive for: ‘National Politics’
GOP Presidential Candidate and Contrarian Commentary columnist Andy Martin says that in Iowa, “‘Big Mamma Clinton’ shot herself in the foot”
0GOP presidential candidate and “Contrarian Commentary” columnist Andy Martin explains why Hillary Clinton lost Iowa, and why she is likely to lose the South. “The media are lying,” Andy says. “There is no ‘Clinton firewall’ in the South. Clinton’s gun control attacks on Bernie Sanders …
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SATURDAY APRIL 18TH NASHUA, NH NEWS CONFERENCE: Bush adversary Andy Martin issues a “Fact Sheet” charging the “multicultural” policies of Jeb Bush and Barack Obama are virtually identical
NEWS FROM: “The Internet Powerhouse” Andy Martin, J. D. adjunct professor of law executive editor one of America’s most respected independent authors/investigators “Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct” you can call Andy: National (866) 706-2639 Cell (917) 664-9329 you can email …
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