Chicago news conference – Andy Martin explains why Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner computer is a smoking gun
Chicago news conference today: Corruption fighter and conservative Republican columnist/blogger Andy Martin explains why the Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner computer may be a “smoking gun” in the Clinton email scandal and thus is such a critical piece of evidence. Andy says Huma’s computer may be the “missing link” or “smoking backup” in the expanding Clinton email server scandal.
“The Internet Powerhouse”
Andy Martin, J. D.
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“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”
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For Immediate release:
Announcement of Chicago news conference Monday, October 31
October 31 Chicago news conference details:
National and New Hampshire corruption fighter and conservative columnist/blogger Andy Martin
“Internet powerhouse” Andy Martin offers his analysis and explains why the Abedin/Weiner laptop computer may be a “smoking gun” in the Clinton email scandal
Sidewalk news conference, SE corner of Huron and Wabash Streets, Chicago (weather permitting; otherwise indoors)
Monday, October 31, 2016; 6:00 P.M.
Andy Martin says Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop computer was probably set as “backup” for the original Clinton email server in 2009
Andy says no one could have processed the reported “hundreds of thousands” of emails on the laptop, so much of the content on the Abedin/Weiner computer must have been placed there automatically
Andy says the Abedin/Weiner computer may be “the missing link” or “smoking gun” in the email scandal and Abedin’s role makes that possibility more likely than not
Andy says the Abedin/Weiner computer may be the “smoking gun,” in reality the “smoking backup,” computer in the growing Clinton email scandal
“If Huma lied to the FBI,” Andy says, “she and Clinton go down; Anthony Weiner also has an incentive to sing”
(CHICAGO) (October 31, 2016) Andy Martin, the corruption-fighting independent Internet columnist and blogger with over a half-century of experience in national politics, will hold a Chicago news conference Monday, October 31st to explain his analysis of the significance of the Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop computer now being examined by the FBI.
Andy can be reached in Chicago at (312) 440-4124.
“I have been studying the Clinton email sever scandal since it arose eighteen months ago,” Andy says. “But I was challenged by what I thought were the missing pieces or open questions of the situation. The latest reporting on the Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner computer finally crystalized for me at least one ‘missing link:’ Where was the original backup for Clinton’s Chappaqua server?
“I am not a technical expert but I do have systems integration experience due to my worldwide collection of information, most recently in the Middle East in August.
“Not the first, but probably the second or third question a systems manager would ask is ‘where is the backup going to be hosted?’
“Here is what we know: First, Bryan Pagilano initially had a piece of ‘iron’ in the Clinton’s basement. That was a stand-alone server. There almost certainly had to be a back-up hosted somewhere else. No one creates a network without a backup. Given that the backup could not be hosted at the State Department, and given the Clinton’s reluctance to open their circle to many people, the backup had to be hosted off-site and with a trusted person. That’s where the Abedin laptop computer becomes my focal point. Pagliano probably asked ‘where do we put the backup copy?’ and someone said ‘why not Huma’s computer. That’s in a secure place.’
“Second, latest reports indicate there may be as many as many as 650,000 emails on the Abedin/Weiner computer (please see link below). There is no way a human being could manage that many emails. So many of those emails had to be placed on the Abedin/Weiner computer automatically, most likely through some sort of automatic backup program.
“Third, Platte River Networks did not start servicing the Clinton server until June, 2013. Where was, the backup hosted between 2009 and 2013?
“Fourth, Huma may have lied to the FBI about the contents of her home computer; Anthony Weiner has every incentive to cut a deal to save his own skin. We have two people who are tottering, each of whom could sink Hillary Clinton, Inc.
“To summarize, we have a missing backup location dating from at least 2009 to 2013, we have hundreds of thousands of emails mysteriously appearing on a computer at the home of Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner and we know Abedin was Clinton’s most trusted confidante. The conclusion that the Abedin/Weiner computer was in all probability configured as an automatic backup to the Clinton Chappaqua server, or was set up to function manually in that capacity, is almost inescapable.
“That is why the FBI was prompted to reopen the investigation.
“That is also why the Abedin computer is such a treasure trove of information. That computer may be the missing link, the only complete record of the Clinton email server’s history,” Andy says. “We continue to work all of our sources to further substantiate our analysis of the significance of the Abedin/Weiner computer. We think the FBI may have stumbled across the smoking gun, rather the ‘smoking backup’ computer of the email scandal.”
Andy is temporarily based in Chicago through November 4th doing election-related investigation, analysis and reporting.
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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-eight years of background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a full bio, go to:; also, see
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and
Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.
Andy’s columns are also posted at
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