GOP congressional candidate Andy Martin heads to the Middle East, says New Hampshire voters can join him
New Hampshire Second District congressional candidate Andy Martin is in the Middle East investigating allegations that American intelligence reporting was falsified to seek favor from the Obama administration. Andy says his prospective constituents are welcome to join him in the investigation. On his way home, Andy will stop in London to analyze first-hand the impact of the Brexit vote on the economy of New Hampshire and the U S. Andy will hold a news conference in Amman, Jordan Wednesday, August 24th.
News from:
Republican candidate for Congress
Second Congressional District-NH
“Make New Hampshire Great Again”
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH03105-0742
Tel. (603) 518-7310;
Cell (603) 777-2615
Fax (866) 214-3210
Announcement of Amman, Jordan news conference Wednesday, August 24
Attention, Middle East, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, National and Political editors
New Hampshire congressional candidate Andy Martin heads to the Middle East to investigate falsified U S intelligence reports, offers GraniteState voters a chance to join him
Andy will also stop in London to evaluate first-hand the Brexit vote impact on New Hampshire and the U S
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(Amman, Jordan) (August 23, 2016)
Dear Granite Stater:
This is my fifth letter to you from the congressional campaign trail and comes from an unusual location, Amman, Jordan, where I have arrived after stops in London and Istanbul. Before I get to an explanation of why I am in the Middle East I would like to explain my view of what a member of congress does for you.
First, a member of congress helps you navigate the complexities of dealing with the federal government. Veteran’s problem? Social Security difficulties? Your Member of Congress is there to assist you personally. This congressional assistance is called “case work” and reflects a direct relationship between a Representative and his or her constituent. I have been doing public interest case work on behalf of citizens for fifty years and my efforts on your behalf will be second-to-none in Congress.
The second aspect of a member of congress’ job is to see that his or her state is treated fairly. Is New Hampshire getting a fair share of federal aid? Are the laws being written in Washington fair to New Hampshire interests? A Representative swerves as a watchdog for the state’s interests.
Finally, a Member of Congress gets to set national policy. This is the most dangerous aspect of the job. Particularly on questions of war and peace, or foreign relations and national security, Representatives often have no experience and no idea what they are voting on. That is why so many Representatives cast “bad” votes to invade Iraq when there was no need to do so.
Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have vowed to “eliminate” ISIS. That task is going to be complex and very, very difficult. The Middle East is in a state of meltdown thanks to the Clinton/Obama foreign policy fiasco. A vote on a Declaration of War or its modern-day equivalent, an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), is almost certainly going to come before the next Congress. That vote will be the most important vote any member casts but, sadly, most representatives will be moved by emotion and not by experience or knowledge.
My opponents in the GOP primary are total wannabes. They have no knowledge of and no experience in foreign policy. The incumbent, Rep. Annie Kuster, has been a rubber stamp for President Obama and would be a rubber stamp for a President Clinton. My experience would allow me to stand up and cast an informed vote. I will not send our men and women into battle on the basis of falsified or politicized intelligence or half-baked battle plans.
I first went to the Middle East forty-five years ago. I am not going to allow Congress to go off half-cocked and support open-ended or unlimited military engagement. I will work to unify both Democrats and Republicans around a sensible Middle East policy. In 2002 and 2003 I cautioned against an invasion of Iraq as a potential disaster. In 2003 I lived in Baghdad and again warned of the mess we were creating. No one wanted to listen. Now the war drums are beating again. Neither Trump nor Clinton has any idea what they are facing. Most members of congress are similarly uninformed.
Recently a congressional committee stated that intelligence reports had been falsified and politicized to appeal to the powers-that-be in Washington, see links below. (Please note that while I bash Democrats, there are a lot of pro-war Republican idiots in Washington as well.)
I had an opportunity to make a brief trip to the Middle East to personally investigate and so I am here. Some of what I am doing is routine field investigative work but I am doing it in person. I do not like to rely on second-hand information. Some of my work could potentially be dangerous, although I am not trying to put myself in harm’s way on this trip. But I will come back to New Hampshire as the only Granite State candidate for Congress who has made yet anther trip to the Middle East to dig into the whys and wherefores. (After Iraq was invaded I saw “congressional visits” where politicians would drive by in armored buses and learn nothing of the real situation on the ground. I lived in Baghdad and saw the deadly daily impact of our policies.) Unlike others, I would not be a drive-by congressman.
Local New Hampshire media are promoting two of my primary opponents. Both opponents qualify for clown status. Neither of my opponents has any appreciation of the risks they are advocating with regard to war and peace. When Donald Trump says the media are the enemy of the American people he is spot on. In New Hampshire, the media are your enemy and the enemy of honest and open elections. Manchester-based media are trying to convince you to support “Republican” candidates that would be nothing more than sitting ducks for Democrats. If you know me, you know I am a fighter, not a media stooge. Trump often makes ill-advised remarks but when he says the media are not on your side he is 100% right.
From the Middle East I am heading to London to examine the impact of the Brexit vote (for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union) on the New Hampshire economy and the national economy. I foresee closer trade ties with the United Kingdom.
A special opportunity open only to New Hampshire citizens
Slogging through the desert may not be your cup of tea even though it is essential work to get at the truth about both ISIS and the refugee situation. Sipping a cup of tea in London may be more your cup of tea. Either way, you are welcome to meet up and join up with my team as we progress from one area to the next. Unlike almost all politicians, I am not asking you for a penny. You are welcome to make contact with me, and come along when we are in secure environments. (I will not expose you to potentially dangerous situations.) You can participate in gathering facts and information that are essential for informed decision-making. I am a transparent candidate and I would be a transparent Member of Congress.
You can always pick up the phone and get me on the phone if you have a question (see hotel suite number below), even when I am in the Middle East. (Due to security concerns I will not, however, be carrying a phone outside Amman.)
I look forward to having the privilege of serving you in the U. S. House of Representatives. I will be an honorable and honest conservative that especially on questions of foreign policy and national security will invite every citizen of our state, Republican, Independent and Democrat, to share their concerns with me. As our leaders believed two generations ago, I believe politics should again stop at our shores.
Sincerely yours,
Andy Martin
Please vote for me in the Republican Party primary for the Second Congressional District nomination on September 13. You’ll be proud you did. I am the only candidate that can handle Annie Kuster and her lies. Watch for my new series, “The Three Stooges Run for Congress,” coming soon about my three principal primary opponents.
P.S. If you were wondering, I have not forgotten or forgiven my pending lawsuit against iHeart Radio and New England College for debate fraud. We could not complete the paperwork before I had to leave for Amman, Jordan but the case will be filed on my return.
August 24, 2016Amman, Jordan news conference:
New Hampshire GOP Republican congressional candidate Andy Martin
Andy Martin is in the Middle East following up on allegations U S intelligence reports have been falsified
Hotel InterContinental, Amman, Jordan, Suite 824
Wednesday, August 24 – 5:00 P. M.
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):
New citations after emailing:
Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-eight years of background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a full bio, go to: ; also see
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also ; .
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and .
Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.
Andy’s columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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