New Hampshire Second District congressional candidate Andy Martin says there is a liberal media “War Against Trump” to destroy the GOP
New Hampshire Second District congressional candidate Andy Martin says there is a liberal media “War Against Trump.” Read his views and see if you agree or disagree. See if you would recognize “Hillary Clinton’s America” after 100 days of a new Clinton kleptocracy. Andy supports his accusations by references to media sources you can check for yourself. Andy Martin is the only Republican candidate with the credentials to run against corrupt local left-wing Representative Annie Kuster. More to come.
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New Hampshire congressional candidate Andy Martin suggests there is a liberal media “War Against Trump” to destroy Donald Trump and the Republican Party
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(Manchester, NH) (August 2, 2016)
Dear Granite Stater:
This is my fourth letter to you from the congressional campaign trail.
Yesterday I went to get lunch and listened to Rush Limbaugh on the car radio. Rush’s views on the Khizr Khan controversy were similar to those I expressed in my own emailed statement. But Rush used slightly different terminology. He stated that the use of the Khan Family to attack Donald Trump was an ideological tactic in a relentless left-wing media war against ordinary Americans. I presented the same concept in a slightly different manner.
Monday night I was channel surfing and came across the loathsome CNN employee Tara Setmayer attacking Donald Trump for believing the U. S. Constitution had “Twelve Articles.” CNN employs a former mouthpiece for Senator Ted Cruz as well as Setmayer as so-called “conservatives” to savage Donald Trump. I wouldn’t mind if they usually criticized Trump, as long as they occasionally gave him fair treatment, but Setmayer and her fellow traveler uniformly attack Trump without any respite. They are paid by CNN to be “conservative liars” and fraud artists.
Setmayer reprised the liberal media’s recent smear of Trump, echoed at the DNC by Mr. Khan, that Trump hasn’t read the U. S. Constitution.
Here are the facts of this bogus claim. Trump appeared last month at a Capitol Hill meeting and was asked about Article I of the Constitution. He said he supported all of the Articles and with typical Trumpian exaggeration he said he even supported Article XII. Since then, both liberals and conservatives have flayed Trump over nonexistent “Article XII” of the Constitution.
I went through three years of law school and received a J. D. degree. I have been a lawyer (but not private attorney) for forty-seven years and have won (and lost) public interest constitutional law cases in federal and state courts. And no judge or law professor has ever asked me to count the Articles in the Constitution or asked me how many Articles there were in the Constitution. Why is Donald Trump supposed to know the obscure answer?
What’s up? Why are they beating up on Trump for what may have been momentary hyperbole but certainly is nothing of critical importance to the office of president? The simple answer: the liberal media are hell bent on destroying Donald Trump and the Republican Party. There is a liberal media “War Against Trump.”
Day after day, night after night we are inundated with the character assassination of Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton? She lied on Fox News Sunday when she mischaracterized the remarks of the FBI Director who said she had misused classified information and documents.
Clinton told Chris Wallace (a) the family members of Benghazi victims were having “memory problems;” (2) underlings at the State Department were completely responsible for her email fiasco that compromised national security; and (3) the FBI Director had approved her behavior when he had said exactly the opposite. Is Hillary Clinton a pathological liar or a habitual liar? Is she mentally impaired with hardening of the arteries to the point when she cannot distinguish fantasy from reality? The liberal media covered up for her lies (the Washington Post fact-checker did call her a liar on her FBI claims).
At the Democratic National Convention Clinton’s minions exploited the grief of the Khan Family to undermine the credibility of the Benghazi families she had lied to, including Pat Smith who lost her son in Benghazi and gave a powerful speech at the Republican National Convention. Clinton lied again on Sunday and said Mrs. Smith had a “faulty memory.” What would the reaction have been if Trump said the Khans have a “faulty memory” about their son? Another round of media character assassination against the GOP candidate. But there was no liberal media reporting Monday on how Clinton defamed and dishonored the families of the Benghazi victims.
And while we are discussing the newly minted constitutional law expert Khizr Khan, how about the facts and the truth about his DNC disinformation? Khan is just another liberal media liar. He waved the Constitution to suggest a president could not limit immigration without violating the Fourteenth Amendment. In point of fact, Congress has given presidents virtually unlimited power over immigration, including permission to place strict limits on who may enter the United States. Almost all constitutional experts have concluded Congress had the power to delegate that authority to the presidency. So Khan was full of baloney when he waved his Constitution. Just another Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin liar.
Ironically, even supporters of illegal immigration agree Trump’s immigration proposals would probably survive constitutional challenges (please see link #1 below). So all of Mr. Khan’s malicious accusations against Trump were nothing but a Clinton/Abedin smokescreen to defraud American voters.
I met Donald Trump 37 years ago. I approved his lease so he could move into my building (I usually provide the details about my history with Trump when I speak in person; go ahead, invite me to be your guest speaker). I see Trump occasionally at my church and elsewhere. Trump is not perfect. Like all of us he has flaws, and he makes mistakes, sometimes big ones. But Trump is a choir boy compared to the criminality and mendacity of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The Clintons have scammed billions of dollars in tax-exempt money for their personal family slush fund, the so-called Clinton Foundation. Hillary betrayed the United States by approving the sale of American uranium resources to, guess who, a Vladimir Putin crony (please see link #2 below). Bill Clinton took cold cash as part of the “uranium conspiracy” to betray the United States, all while Hillary was serving as Secretary of State. The Clintons are the most corrupt political couple in American presidential history.
And yet the liberal media relentlessly attack Donald Trump while protecting the Clintons from any searching inquiry. It is scary.
The election is going to be close. Media manipulation and fraud could tip the election to Clinton. The Clinton/liberal media protection racket could end up destroying our nation as we know it. Illegal immigrants would be flooding across our borders, bankrupting social services, bankrupting school districts and committing terrorist acts against our national security.
Medicare would be devastated. Obama has already declared war on America’s (mostly white) senior citizens. He diverted billions from Medicare to Obamacare. Hillary would divert trillions more from Medicare to fund Illegal Aliencare.
Our divided government has protected us from much of the evil of Barack Obama’s malignant agenda. The deadlock in Congress has blocked many of Obama’s worst proposals. Thank heaven. But what if Clinton were to win control of Congress? She won’t make the same mistakes Obama did in 2009-2010. Hillary could destroy America in her “first 100 days.” She would pack the federal courts with Obama-style “community organizers” and Black Lives Matter supporters.
The liberal media are part of the problem in our society. They saturate the American people with propaganda and disinformation. Obama can’t win the war against terrorism or ISIS, but with media support he is a field marshal in the war to unlock children’s bathrooms. On and on it goes. Local control? Swept away by supine and compliant federal officials such as Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who was effectively “bribed” by the Clintons with the promise of retaining her job in a Hillary administration. An end to local law enforcement, and its replacement by a “federal security force,” controlled out of Washington, is not beyond the possibilities that could be enacted in a Clinton/media dictatorship.
Democrats play rough at every level of government, even in Concord. One of my primary opponents brags about his legislative record in Concord. He doesn’t tell Republican audiences he led the charge to impose enhanced Medicaid on New Hampshire, a financial burden that may lead to a statewide sales or income tax. He doesn’t tell Republicans how he betrayed the Republican majority in 2014 and cut a deal with corrupt Governor Maggie Hassan to use Democratic votes to control the election of the Speaker of the State House. And so we have a bought-and-sold Democratic stooge running as a “Republican” in a congressional primary. Maggie Hassan (and Hillary Clinton) want to do to our nation what Hassan has done to New Hampshire. There are Republicans who are ready to help them. My primary opponent is one of them.
When I came home to New Hampshire as a national corruption fighter I thought I might have it a little easier in the Granite State. But we have just as much corruption as other states. The dirty dealing in Concord is swept under the carpet by Democrats and their Republican stooges.
I don’t know if Donald Trump will be a mediocre president, a good president or a great president. But I am certain he will be much, much better than Hillary Clinton. Remember when the Clintons left the White House last time, in 2000? They looted our national home, hauling off even the state furniture. I can’t see Trump doing that. Remember pardons for cash under Bill Clinton? Again, Trump wouldn’t stoop. Billions funneled into a tax-exempt personal family slush fund styled as a “Foundation?” No again.
With his typical understatement and restraint Monday night Trump called Hillary Clinton “the devil.” Is she the devil incarnate? Probably not. But she and Bill Clinton are undeniably evil incarnate. They have the record to prove it.
Don’t let the liberal media steal our country and destroy the last, best hope for humanity and democracy.
Andy Martin
As I was finishing this letter I saw that the New York Times is trying to revive a fifty-year old lie by claiming Donald Trump was a “draft dodger” (please see link #3 below). Trump never dodged the draft. Tens of millions of young men were given deferments because the army could not absorb millions of draftees. The system was controversial and unfair. But Trump violated no law. Fifty years later the New York Times is now trying to smear Trump. The media “War Against Trump” is as relentless as it is based on fraudulent reporting and outright lies.
Please vote for me in the Republican Party primary for the Second Congressional District nomination. You’ll be proud you did. I am the only candidate that can handle Annie Kuster and her lies. Watch for my upcoming series, “The Three Stooges Run for Congress.” Coming soon, about my three principal primary opponents.
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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With forty-eight years of background in radio and television and with five decades of investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, intelligence and military matters. For a full bio, go to:; also see
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and
Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.
Andy’s columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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